28 August, 2016

Changing Hearts and Minds Part 1

The Heart - Mind Connection
Modern Science meets  Ancient  Spiritual Wisdom  

Part 1 : Setting the Scene

Our modern and mainly ( in the West) secular world is highly dualistic, as are our major Religions.In fact, modern Western 'man' has merely inherited the hundreds of years of dualistic religion. This tendency to dualistic thought and action has created many false, and often unnecessary, Either : Or divisions between peoples, cultures, races, ethnicities and religions. 

A prevailing and oft quoted division is that between Science and Religion. Many, who quite rightly oppose and deny the certitudes of much of modern Religion (and mainly Western Religions) , turn to Science, reason and logic for the 'certitude' that we can all so easily and readily yearn for in a rapidly changing, bewildering  and uncertain world. This is partly the result of the paternalistic , patriarchal and rule dominated approach of the 3 mainstream Western Religions of Judaism, Christianity. and Islam,hey have created their own false certitudes, offered a ' God' who seems petulant, childish and punishing and divided the world and its peoples into the Good and the Bad. The former , if they obey the rules, achieve Heaven or Paradise , a real version of ' Pie in the Sky when you Die' . While the latter, who don't obey the rules are condemned to an eternal Hell.!   The result  has been to  'turn off'  modern, educated and mature people and produce a rush towards Aethism and Secularisation.

Thus the dualistic approach, along with the patriarchal outlook of much of religion,  has led to a false dichotomy between Science and Religion at its best and deepest level. At their heart both are seeking to understand and experience mystery and to push forward the frontiers of human development and understanding. The great Faith Traditions at their deepest levels have always taught that we all need to experience a change in both heart and mind. The following quote from Albert Einstein emphasises the radical importance of mystery in all areas where humanity searches for truth and wisdom.

NB   In the true spirit of Advaita ( non-dualistism ) , it is important to recognise that for much of life and its inevitable choices; an Either : Or or Binary choice is perfectly acceptable. e.g. Shall I eat ? Yes or No  etc.  ( readers can find countless simple choices of a similar nature).

However, for genuine change ,  where wisdom and discernment are necessary, then being non-dualistic and open to the YES of CHANGE is vital. This also involves being open to possibilities and avoiding the 'certitude' of only 1 perfect solution or answer. To develop our inherent non-dualistic ability requires us to 'step outside the box' , to be open to the possibility of unknowing and to the Mystery that is at the heart of Creation and Evolution. 

Before looking briefly at our growing knowledge in Neuroscience ,let us pause and briefly consider the mystical tradition that underpins all of the great religions and then look at a few quotes from both Buddhism and Christianity ( other Traditions will have many similar examples) that emphasise the connection between Heart and Mind

The Heart of the Matter    All the great religious, spiritual and wisdom traditions have at their heart a deep and strong history of mysticism and wisdom. Thjese hold onto the 'paradox' and non-dualistic teachings of the original sources and masters. Examples are the Wisdom Literature in Judaism, the non-dualistic sayings of Jesus and Paul the first Christian Mystic, the deep wisdom of the Muslim Hadith and the great Sufi Masters , the Upanishads of the Hindu Sages and of course the great teachings of the Buddha. 

However, holding 'paradox' and trying to develop practices and moments of Advaita ( non-dualism) is very difficult. This is especially true for those who wish to find simple answers to complex questions and to have power over others. Slowly over the centuries, the patenalistic and ego-centred and dualistic mind has taken over the great religions. The reult has been a growth in fundamentalism , a centralisation of power , a dualistic Either:Or approach and the erection of barriers  between people and an emphasis on ' there is ONLY one true way '

Thankfully, in all the traditions a contemplative and non-dualistic way survived and tried to hold on to and practice the real and unifying truths at the heart of all the Traditions. Let us look at two of these and at a few quotes from Spiritual Masters. 

Buddhism     Buddhism has always taught about the need for personal change and 'Right Living', with the latter containing 8 Right Ways of living as part of the Buddha's 4 Noble Truths. The Dalai Lama ( a modern Buddhist Master ) teaches about the necessity of changing both Heart and Mind if we are to become less violent and develop greater compassion. Two of his many quotes , which could be used in any book about modern science and brain neuroplasticity,  are as follows :

"A change of heart is always a change of mind. "  and in another talk, vice versa  ( or is it a chicken and egg dilemma ?) "Every change of mind is first of all a change of heart." 
Whether it starts with the Mind or with the Heart - it seems that either way there is change for the better !

Christianity    Christianity too emphasises the importance of change. It is based on love and on the teachings of Jesus the Christ. His first official and recorded talk was centered on Metanoia. The word Metanoia is from the Greek  ' Changing one's mind' Unfortunately, the translation used  for Metonoia is the word  REPENT !   and this has led to some very poor spiritual teaching and an emphasis on Good versus Evil  etc and a very guilt and shame based spirituality.

 Some important quotes from Jesus are as follows : ' Change your mind ( repent) for the Kingdom of God  is at hand'  and the importance of being at peace ( mind & heart)   'Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. '   

The basis of Jesus' teachings on the ' Kingdom' ( a metaphor for a new way of living for all is CHANGEWhether it begins with the MIND or the HEART  is not important. The important point is the urgent need for  CHANGE and for real change to happen both Heart and Mind need to change.  Here we come to modern Science and to Neuroscience in particular. 

Adverse Impact of Fundamental Spirituality on Mental Health
Fundamentalism in Christianity, Islam and, to a lesser extent, Judaism with its emphasis on Good versus Evil, Heaven versus Hell and others dualistic 'choices'  hooks into the shadow part on humanity's ego and increases guilt, shame and a false certainty of ' Our way is the only way and the right way' . It creates division and exacerbates difference intead of promoting a sense of common humanity.
Modern neuro-psychology asserts  that this over-emphasis on guilt, shame etc is a basis for much of the mental health problems that beset the West. This is particularly true for  what Viktor Frankl called the the neorotic  triad . This is a mass outbreak of mental health issues rooted in issues and struggles with  Addiction, Aggression and Depression. Any , even superficial, reflection on our modern world and its struggles reveals to growing problems in these 3 areas and the strain they put on our Mental Health Organisations and on our communities.

Truly, both the Buddha and Jesus ( along with Prophets and Sages from other Faith Traditions)  were , and are, right - it is time for Change at the Heart Mind levels.

The next part of these reflections  ( to be published shortly) will look at how modern neuro-science agrees with the concept of change and how changing ones mind can change , for the better, our emotional responses to self and others,


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