31 January, 2015

Responding - Guided by Wisdom

Responding NOT Reacting

Guidance from Ancient and Modern Wisdom

Satsang Meeting Sat 7th Feb 2015
1.30 - 4.30 p.m

Friends Meeting House

We resume our meetings in 2015, the 15th year of this new Millennium. Our World faces many challenges and we require wisdom in order to respond and not react.

The Satsang Association exists as a companionship of Spiritual Seekers who undertake to attempt to live out their life guided by the Triple Commitment. This is requires individuals to seriously commit to:

Their personal growth in spiritual awareness and practice.

Helping remove the barriers of prejudice and ignorance, which divide persons from each other

Building up relationships of compassion and appreciation across frontiers of race, language, culture and religion.

 And is so doing each seeks  to play their part in

Creating a Planetary Vision & a Universal Heart of Compassion.

The 1st commitment supports and nourishes the other 2. 

Our meetings are designed to provide an  opportunity for sharing, reflection and mutual support as we strive to live in ways that break down barriers and build up relationships. We share far more than our seemingly different backgrounds. We are members of one human family, co- creators in this vast expanding and evolving cosmos.

Our meetings this years will begin to focus on our personal response to the  many current crisis facing our family and our planet. But we are not alone, both Ancient Wisdom and modern advances in knowledge can all assist us in this vital task.

Our next meeting will begin this process as we look at some input from Sister Ishpriya and also share our own responses to recent events. 

The Buddha advises us to  reflect within and beware of external forces.  This quotation from his teachings, advises us to  beware of reacting and to value the wisdom of a reflective response. 

' When we return to the root, we gain the meaning;
when we pursue external objects we lose the reason.'

Hope to see you at our next meeting and if not, then we wish you well as you reflerct on how to respond to the many challenges facing our world.

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