16 August, 2019



Both Ancient Wisdom and modern Neuroscience and Psychology, remind and advise us of the importance of remaining in the Present Moment.  a wise truism is ' The Present Moment is the ONLY Moment' 
 Modern life and its values has lured us into a false state. This is a state that emphasises constant noise, movement and  ( so called) progress. The end result is a pandemic of mental illness, DIS - ease and restlessness.Staying in the Present Moment ( a difficult practice of Mindful Presence) is an antidote to this dis-ease.  
The great Spiritual Traditions advise us to begin each day anew and with a simple spiritual pracgtice that involves a sense of both GRATITUDE and JOY.  Thus they advise some form of daily Spiritual ( Sadhana) or Practice. 

In the Hindu tradition, this is often a dawn ceremony of the AARTI flame, a way of greeting each day. I would like to share a poem from the Indian Sage Kalidasa,  that succinctly reminds us of the importance of EACH day and of staying in the Present.   It is a lovely SALUTATION to the Rising Sun.

This is a poem that I have previously posted. However, our world and our human family perhaps benefit from  regularly reminding ourselves that EACH DAY is a precious gift to be cherished, en-joyed and savoured with GRATITUDE.

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