14 August, 2019

Returning to Our True Source


The wisdom of all the great Spiritual Traditions forms a 'source' of truly Universal Wisdom. This is often referred to as 'The Perennial Tradition'

In times of great evolutionary change,the Human Family has always found both wisdom and comfort in the teachings of the Perennial Tradition. We are currently going through another great Evolutionary Change ( or Growth in Human Consciousness) and that is contributing to the many crisis that face our Human Family and the Planet. 

In times like these our World desperately needs more people to .... PAUSE... Take Time to go within .... and to discover ..  The True Source of All Being.

Only then can we access the wisdom of our ancestors and its direct link , back through the eons of time, to the Beinmg, Consciousness and Bliss vof the SOURCE of all WISDOM and Creation.

I find the following words from the Spiritual Tradition of China very helpful.

Our World needs the wisdom and input that comes from those of us who regularly take time to pause and be more Contemplative. These words of Lao Tzu succinctly state and describe what Contemplation  is.

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