30 March, 2014

Transformation - A Journey of Self-Discovery

NB.  If y ou have not already read Part 1 , click on the following link

Transformation –A Journey of Self-Discovery
2nd half of life Spirituality Part 2

Part 1 of these reflections looked at the importance of a strong formation and its part in developing our deep roots. It proposed that without some formation it can be difficult to be  transformed. Our task in the 1sthalf of life was, and is, to develop a strong and healthy ego and thus form a firm foundation in spirituality. For many, developing a healthy ego and a foundation in spirituality is both begun and heavily influenced by their family and culture of origin and informed by a Faith Tradition. It looked briefly at two major examples and guides , Jesus the Christ and the Buddha and contended that both were firmly rooted in a Tradition but in becoming ‘enlightened’ both challenged the ‘status quo’ and both believed in, and practiced, a ‘middle way’ .

This was a balanced and inclusive approach to the spiritual journey based on their experiential experience and relationship with Mystery. In the Buddha’s case he refused to be drawn on whether or not ‘ God’ existed. He emphasised the importance of the 4 Noble Truths as a guide to freedom and enlightenment.  His teaching centred on these 4 Truths outlined below:-

  1. The truth of suffering (Dukkha)
  2. The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya)
  3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)
  4. The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga) The eightfold path to righteousness

Jesus the Christ acknowledged, spoke and talked about the Mystery and referred to this Mystery as Abba and emphasised the oneness of his relationship with this Mystery at the Heart of Creation. He too , spoke of a Way that led to repentance , which has very little to do with ‘sin’ and more to do with ‘turning around’ and changing your path. His teachings centred around His Two Great Commandments and His Eight Blessings or Beatitudes.

For many, and perhaps a majority, their Tradition mainly places an emphasise on the ‘faith’ , its scriptures and a set of handed down and often proscriptive beliefs. This is particularly true for the 3 Western based Monotheistic Traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These very often over emphasise their Scriptures , particularly reading them in a literal sense and often totally out of context. In addition, they   either under emphasise or prohibit, any direct experiential relationship with the Mystery. Yet again, this also  applies more to the Western Monotheistic Traditions.

The problem with relying solely or mainly on Scriptures is that these are often ‘preached’ and ‘interpreted’ by those in authority based on a set of accepted norms and by people who may or may not have any direct experience of the Mystery. In addition, this often leads to an external frame of reference with the Mystery.  i.e. there is little  personal experience or relationship with the Mystery and ‘beliefs’ and ‘faith’ are o not internalised at the level of the real self. Or to put it another way, there is rarely any foundation in practices that help individuals to have an experience of the Mystery we call God. Therefore our task on the 2ndhalf of life’s journey is to begin to develop a personal and profoundly internal view of our Real Self and our relationship with the Mystery.

To undertake this task requires some guidance and some Spiritual Practices and an understanding of the importance of several key questions and the need to nurture our own Journey towards union with the Reality that is the Mystery at the heart of creation. Many can benefit from the experiences of the mystics of all Traditions and the recorded works that form our rich Universal Inheritance. In addition, meeting and listening to wise teachers and, like many in the International Satsang Association, I have experienced this from its Spiritual Guide Ishpriya Mataji. Mindful of her many teachings, these reflections will focus on the following questions.

Who Am I and where have I come from?

Why I am here and what is my unique task or purpose in life?

How can I best foster my own Spiritual Practice and Journey?

How to develop my relationship with Ultimate Reality – the Mystery and Oneness at the Heart of Creation?.
Future posts will continue these reflections 
TO BE CONTINUED ( click link below for Part 3 )


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