Reflection on Love
We have entered the Christian Season of Lent and are nearing the celebration of St Patrick - the Patron Saint olf Ireland . In Celtic Spirituality there is a great emphasis of the Law of Three and thus a great reverence and reference to the Christian 'model' or 'image' of God which we cal TRINITY. . The Celrtic Symbol for Trinity is shown oppoosite
Trinity is basically LOVE in ACTION and therefore Lent is a time to reflect on the great dynamic power of LOVE.
Before going any further , let us share and reflect on a great quote from Thomas Merton about LOVE
For me,this clearly states the true nature of Love and reflects the outpouring of Trinitarian love throughout all creation. This concept of Unconditional love IS NOT unique to Christianity. It is reflected in many of the Spiritual Traditions. The Celtic 'mandala of the Trinity ( shown above) is, to make one example, reflected in the Hindu Trimurti.
The vital importance of Love is that we are all created out of love, are made for love and return to LOVE.
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