08 April, 2017

SILENCE is GOLDEN - The Wonder of Creation


Both modern Neuroscience and Ancient Wisdom stress both the benefits of and the urgent need for times of Silence and Stillness.

We live in a world saturated with noise and busyness. We know that this, exacerbated by the over-use of modern technology, is the cause of much stress and thus  distress.

We enter the Christian Season of Easter - a time devoted to many special Services and Rituals. Many of these are full of vocal prayer. While this can be useful it can also be another 'distraction' . We can be in danger of creating a God both in our 'image' and one we can grasp with our minds. Thus we can often end up 'talking TO and ABOUT God ( A mystery beyond the ability of our minds to understand.) . In short, we so often fail to LISTEN. 

The ancient sages and mystics of all the Spiritual Traditions stress the importance of Silence. In silence we can meet together, regardless of culture, religion or any other diversity. There we can reach a point where the Mystery can touch us  and refresh our Body/Psyche and Spirit. There , in Silence and Stillness we can be open to the experiential 'knowing' of the Mystery.

The Indian  Poet Rabindranath Tagore - a Hindu Mystic  speaks of how Silence can be experienced through the wonders of Creation , which is the  1st Book of Revelation for all humanity. The Ancient Celts, the Native Americam Peoples, the aboriginals peoples of the world, all recognised the beauty of Nature and its inherent ability to 'teach' us about Creation and its Source.

Perhaps, in the coming weeks it could help to sit or stand silently in front of a tree in blossom and reflect on its 'power' to teach us all.

 Take a moment of silence to listen to  and watch this short rendition of Tagore's Poem  , which speaks of our ready access to the Mystery through Silence ( see below) 



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