Anam Cara - Soul Friend
A Celtic Sense of
and Friendship
The Celtic people had a deep spirituality that pre-dated the
arrival of St Patrick by about 1500 plus years. One of their many inspiring
ideas is that of an Anam Cara ( Gaelic for Soul Friend)
Before looking at this
in greater depth it is important to outline the basic principle on which the Celts based their belief and
understanding of the Mystery they called Blessed Presence.
John O Donoghue, an Irish Poet and Author of Anam Cara,
states this in the following way
“The Celtic mind was
not burdened by dualism. It did not separate what belongs together. Celtic
imagination articulated the inner friendship which embraces nature, divinity,
underworld and human world as one”
This rejection of dualism is similar to the Eastern
Tradition of Advaita ( Not- Two) and is in stark contrast to the Greco-Roman,
and Western, tendency to separate everything into a false either: or choice.
O Donoghue goes on to develop this and lead towards an
understanding of the Anam Cara as follows
“ The dualism which separates
the visible from the invisible, time from eternity, the human from the divine
was totally alien to them“
This idea leads on to the sense of a gift , granted by God’s
Grace, of a special friendship and this is termed the ‘ Anam Cara’ When you had an Anam Cara , this friendship
cut across all boundaries of race, gender, culture etc. It was a pure gift of a
Soul Friend, to whom
“ you could reveal the hidden intimacies of
your life”
This concept of the Anam Cara, is based on a sense of
Blessed Presence, one of the 4 great Ps of the Celtic Tradition. The other 3
are ; sacredness of Place, the all embracing and everyday place of Prayer and
finally, the power of Pilgrimage; both the Inner and Outer Journey through
For a further and deeper at Anam Cara see the book
John O Donoghue - Anam Cara Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World
and 5 short reflections Echoes of Creation to be found in the resources section of
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