30 June, 2015

Sacredness of Life & Creation

 The Sacredness of Creation and of Life

We live in a world where humanity is struggling with many issues and in many ways seems to be facing an some existential choices. Many of the Mystics and Sages , both from the past and present consider that humanity has taken a ‘wrong turn’ on its evolutionary path. It has branched off from the natural path of evolution and seems headed for a destructive and very negative dead end or cul-de-sac. This could lead to the total destruction of our human family. There are many indicators that highlight this destructive path, but here are three stark examples of crises that our human family needs to honestly face:

                    The Crisis of our Environment - 
as we abuse and misuse our planet - Mother Earth 

                    The Crisis of Violence and Destruction.
                                we live on a world that is far too violent and self-destructive

                    The Crisis of our lack of compassion

( for more on these 3 issues  , and particularly the first  two, see  the resources page  www.satsang-companionship.org uk and the two articles Rooted in Mystery)

Our Crisis of Compassion

It is the last of these that this post wants to briefly address. This lack of compassion  highlights our failure to see who we really are and our intimate connectedness with all. As Carl Sagan notes,.

 The Cosmos is also within us. We are made of Star Stuff.  We are a way for the Cosmos to Know itself’   

Thus the first two crisis are iner-connected with and rooted in the 3rd crisis - that of our lack of  compassion for self and others.

Humanity has evolved over hundreds and thousands of years and, as a species, we have a great capacity for empathy and compassion.  Increasinglt, neuro-science is providing more and more evidence that traces the evolutionary growth of our brain and its remarkable capacity for connection. This requires both Empathy and Compassion.However, the Patriarchal lust for power over and  the growth in  fundamentalism 'blocks' or diverts this great Heart - Mind human capacity.

We can see this in the current growth in both materialism and fundamentalism all around our planet. It impacts on politics, religion and all areas of human endeavour. In our rapidly changing world with its many crisis , it is an example of  how human beings, particularly when faced with complex crises, tend to block out or ignore them. They do this in a variety of ways and a favourite 'defence' or 'diversion' is to focus on issues that are not essential or immediate. This has led to a common human syndrome of ' sorting the deckchairs on the sinking Titanic.'    We panic and instead of accepting personal responsibility, we begin the dualistic 'blame game' with its my way is better than yours and 'its not my fault, its your fault.'

We forget the ancient wisdom of our inter-connectedness. So aptly  and beautifully expressed in these words from the Katha Upanishad ( from the Hindu Vedanta)

There are not many but only one.
Who seeks variety and not the unity,
Wanders on from death to death.

I was reflecting on much of the current news and the challenges faced by the fundamental lack of compassion. By chance, I came across the following reflections by Reina Parada. Reina, is a Satsang Member from California. Many years ago she generously shared these reflections, which were published in our ( now out of print) Satsang Newsletter - Indwelling. I re-issue this and record my thanks to Reina as she reflects on her feelings of SACREDNESS written in 2006.

A Reflection by Reina Parada ( 2006)

Every moment is sacred
Every moment is to be revered

It is Thursday, early morning
The house is still
Everybody sleeps
And I feel the sacredness of the
Early morning at dawn

I looked at the window and all
The trees seemed to be captured
In a perfect picture
That remained still in time
It is dawn
Not a sound is heard yet

The birds are sleeping
The plum tree in the garden,
My old friend,
Seems to meditate along with
Everything around

I walk quietly
I do not want to break the precious
Sacredness I feel in this moment

All of a sudden
The stillness I feel
Around me
Embraces me in a silent hug

And, like if I was in the arms
Of my love
I closed my eyes

And I felt
With my whole being and with all my gut
How precious every moment is
Because only for that instant
I was able to touch briefly the heart
The heart of the Oneness that IS
And pervades everything that is and

I bowed in my heart with a deep reverence
To the silent sacredness of this moment
For feeling the pristine music of silence
That constitutes every single moment
Of what we call life

It is the same heart embracing
All the colors spread on earth
In every form and shape of creation

This moment is sacred
Because it IS
This moment is sacred
A child is being born

Somewhere in the planet
Someone is dying
Somewhere in the planet
Someone is loving
Somewhere in the planet
Someone is crying
Somewhere in this planet
Someone is laughing
Somewhere in this planet
Someone is sleeping
Somewhere in this planet
Someone is dancing

Somewhere in this planet

Life and death
Pain and joy
Sadness and happiness
All the colors of the spectrum
Of emotions and feelings

And, unfortunately,
Someone is dying
Somewhere in this planet
Because of violence and hatred….

The moment we break
The sacredness of this moment
That moment we bring
Pain to others
Either in thought or in action
We have become irreverent
to the only reality that IS

But, every moment we live
We have the opportunity
To realize, at least for the split of
A second,
The sacredness of this moment

And rejoice and sing in praise
For all that IS

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