We resume our review of the Satsang Day of Reflection , held at the Friends Meeting House, Wolverhampton on Sat 13th June 2015
Summary of Part 1
Our Day was designed to look at the many challenges facing our world and our human family in the 21st century. Our growing understanding and knowledge from all the disciplines indicate that there is a great inter-connectedness at the heart of creation.
The Cosmos has been expanding and revealing itself for around 14 billion years and we, as a species, have been around for about 7 million years but modern humanity ( Homo Sapiens) has, over the past 200 thousand years ,become to use its great gift of self-reflective consciousness to begin to explore and engage with the creative process. However, we have also begun to have a negative impact on our environment and planet. This has become more marked in the past 300 years and has accelerated in the past 50 years. The negative impact is increasing at an exponential rate and thus, as a species, we face many challenges and choices.
These challenges are particula\rly relevant for the major World Faith Traditions. It requires each of them to reflect on and review their underlying truth(s) and ultimately to embrace an alternative theology. They require a theology that can hold both the ancient truths and wisdom and modern knowledge in a non-dualistic manner and thus avoid the pitfalls of an Either : Or or 'my religion is best' mentality. ( This is an issue that we will return to in future Satsang Meetings)
Our ancestors, and particularly before the onset of the current patriarchal era, had a more holistic view of creation and our place in it. Modern science confirms that all creation comes from the Big Bang .We are as Carl Sagan suggests all created from star dust.
The Cosmos is also within us. We are made of Star
Stuff. We are a way for the Cosmos to
Know itself’
Carl Sagan
Ancient Spiritual Wisdom can assist us but we have to be honest and face the inaccuracies and distortions that can sometimes arise when Religion fails to focus on the Mystery at the Heart of Creation and over-focuses on a Creator ( or God by many names) who is more made in our image i.e. a small-minded and ( mainly) man-made God. .
The following quote from Part 1 serves as a thought provoking and useful reflection. Though the words are about Christianity, they could be adapted and applied to other Faith Traditions i.e. for church read mosque, mandir, gurdwara etc
"Faith itself sometimes needs to be
stripped of its social and historical encrustations and returned to its first,
churchless incarnation in the human heart.“ ( Christian Winman)
So in Part 1 we looked at two themes that challenge us and how Ancient Wisdom could be of assistance. The themes were
1. The Balance between Knowledge and Action
2. The Macro and Micro Cosmos - The interconnectedness of
all creation
Final Note Whilst our Day of Reflection contains 4 'themes' it is not necessary to take in all four. Each of us are on our own unique journey back to the Source. We gather is Satsang for spiritual companionship and support. However, it is hoped that one or more of Sister Ishpriya's 'themes' will touch us at this point on our journey. If so, this will be the 'gift' for us this day.
Final Note Whilst our Day of Reflection contains 4 'themes' it is not necessary to take in all four. Each of us are on our own unique journey back to the Source. We gather is Satsang for spiritual companionship and support. However, it is hoped that one or more of Sister Ishpriya's 'themes' will touch us at this point on our journey. If so, this will be the 'gift' for us this day.
Now to continue to Part 2
Opening Reflection & Focus
To prepare for our 2nd session, we had a time of silence and watched the following video that presented a poem by Sister Ishpriya - Caught in the Half Light
This led us gently into the afternoon's session with its two themes. We began the afternoon with Theme 3 of our 4 themes, each supported by a short video input from Sister Ishpriya
Theme 3:- NEED not GREED -
the power of money
the power of money
'Leaving the transient, find Joy in the Eternal:
Set not your
heart on another’s possessions.' Isa Upanishad
After a short pause we began to move into our third theme with a quotation from Gandhiji- the father of modern India. His quote reminds us that our Blue planet- a wonderful home for our human family, is bountiful and provides sufficient for all our real needs.
Video Clip 3 from Sister Ishpriya
We then watched a short video clip from Ishpriya and she reflected on the influence and power of money and its impact on our world and humanity.
We then watched a short video clip from Ishpriya and she reflected on the influence and power of money and its impact on our world and humanity.
Post-Video Reflection
After Sister Ishpriya's input the following quote from the Native American Tradition was used to lead us gently into a time for personal reflection.
The Native American Tradition , like those of other 1st Nation Aboriginal Peoples clearly show the holistic link these traditions have with the Earth , Creation and 'The Creator' - by a variety of names.
Final Point for Reflection on Theme 3
After a time for Personal Reflection on Theme 3, we gathered together. We then looked into the wisdom of Islam for some further points about greed. Islam as a major World Religion has much to contribute, particularly concerning the importance of mercy and giving alms. The following story from the Hadith was used to provide a 'space' for final personal and silent reflection before we moved on to the final theme for our Day.
All the great Traditions warn of the dangers of over-forcing and/or over relying on money and possessions. The Christian Tradition- and certainly the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ- lay great stress on the dangers of greed. One of His many quotes is :
"No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.'
Its not that money or possessions are inherently bad, its that it can lead to us focusing on the wrong thing. This quote came out of a cultural backdrop where 'wealth' was seen a a sign of 'God's Grace'
Arguably, we have not moved on very far from the times of 1st Century Palestine . Much of our modern values lay great stress on the accumulation of money and wealth. and is the cause of much inequality amongst our Human Family.
Our Blue Planet is our home and its gifts and treasures are not only to be held and dealt with in reverence but also shared equally.
Arguably, our failure to share the bounty of the world more equitably is one of the root causes of much of the tension and violence within our human family.
The words of the Isa Upanishad are indeed not only wise but very relevant in our modern times.
'Leaving the transient, find Joy in the Eternal:
Set not your heart on another’s possessions. ' Isa Upanishad
Theme 4 - Courage
We then moved into the final part of our Day of Reflection and this focused on the theme of COURAGE. The word comes from the root ' couer' or 'heart' in French.
To have and to find courage requires a Heart- Mind connection ( a topic we covered in an earlier Satsang Day of Reflection Both modern Neuro-Psychology and Ancient Wisdom recognise the value of the Heart-Mind Connection.
We are a species who have evolved over time and with a large proportion of our brain devoted to the Affective and Empathic aspect of life and relationships.
In modern neuro-scientific parlance we are designed for 3 core needs :- Survival - Satisfaction and Connection. The last of these is part of our more evolved brain , the top part and this requires a Heart-Mind connection. Neuro Science calls this neuro integration.
In many of the Spiritual Traditions the Source of Creation is seen as Love or Relationship. Excellent examples of this are the Hundu practice of Bhakti and the Christian message that
'God is Love' this is emphasised by the Trinity.
With this as a backdrop, the following quote from the ancient Chinese Taoist Spirituality was used to enter into our theme on Courage.
To have and to find courage requires a Heart- Mind connection ( a topic we covered in an earlier Satsang Day of Reflection Both modern Neuro-Psychology and Ancient Wisdom recognise the value of the Heart-Mind Connection.
We are a species who have evolved over time and with a large proportion of our brain devoted to the Affective and Empathic aspect of life and relationships.
In modern neuro-scientific parlance we are designed for 3 core needs :- Survival - Satisfaction and Connection. The last of these is part of our more evolved brain , the top part and this requires a Heart-Mind connection. Neuro Science calls this neuro integration.
In many of the Spiritual Traditions the Source of Creation is seen as Love or Relationship. Excellent examples of this are the Hundu practice of Bhakti and the Christian message that
'God is Love' this is emphasised by the Trinity.
With this as a backdrop, the following quote from the ancient Chinese Taoist Spirituality was used to enter into our theme on Courage.
Video Clip 4 from Sister Ishpriya
In her final video clip, Ishpriya focuses on the theme of Courage and recounts 2 examples from her experiences living near Rishikesh in Northern India at the Jeevan Dhara Sadhana Kuttirs near Tapovan.
Post Video Reflection
The following powerful quote from St Paul the Christian Mystic led us into our final time of personal reflection. Note the connection between love - courage and inner strength.
The following powerful quote from St Paul the Christian Mystic led us into our final time of personal reflection. Note the connection between love - courage and inner strength.
Sharing our Day and our Journey
After our time of Personal Reflection we met as a Group and used the following quote from the Vedas to remind us of our Journey and to guide our sharing.
The Dance of the Elements
We ended our day led by Angela in a final period of Sacred Circle Dance. Angela chose a lovely song - Tread Gently on the Earth. This is often referred to as the Dance of the Elements - Earth - Air - Water - Fire
We danced to a backdrop of a large slide ( see below) of Mother Earth surrounded by the diversity of her children and they dance in reverence of her bounty and love.
We ended our day led by Angela in a final period of Sacred Circle Dance. Angela chose a lovely song - Tread Gently on the Earth. This is often referred to as the Dance of the Elements - Earth - Air - Water - Fire
We danced to a backdrop of a large slide ( see below) of Mother Earth surrounded by the diversity of her children and they dance in reverence of her bounty and love.
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