Why do we celebrate the birth of each uniquely significant human person? Perhaps there are many answers to this question. However, the celebration of a birth day, or any other significant event is universally important. It crosses all boundaries of culture, religion, race, ethnicity, economic status etc.
Throughout the long and significant journey of our human family, in every time and culture, people have celebrated important events and particularly birthdays. We not only celebrate the birth of a human person but also the birth of nations, ideas and other important events.
The International Satsang Association ( the ISA ) began , or was 'birthed', 30 years ago. It began in response to a spiritual insight that was received by Sr Ishpriya. This led to the formal registration of the ISA twenty one ( 21) years ago. So February 2nd marks the official birthday of the ISA . What is the importance of organisations like the ISA, why are the necessary and vital for the future of our human family ?
Perhaps the answers to this lie in our recent times and in the crucial crossroads that humanity has now reached. We have reached several crisis points , which previous 'Blogs' have addressed ( see LIGHT IN OUR BROKEN WORLD Parts 1, 2 and 3 ). We have crucial choices to make and we need to reach deep down into our awareness. If we do so, we may begin to realise TWO important things
1. We, as a Human Family , share far more in common than and thus our common humanity is far greater than what apparently divides us .
2. We live on a fragile, but beautiful, planet which is our HOME. Consequently, we need to treat our HOME with greater reverence, respect and care
The ISA is one of the many organisations and movements that are emerging from the latter part of the 20th Century into this new Millennium. They are all concerned with finding ways of living a life that is aware of the 2 points above. Our ISA encapsulates its ethos in the words of its Loge . These words are adapted from the work of Dom Helder Camara , a great champion and liberator of the poor.
As a Satsang we are :
' Seeking Together - Helping to Create - A Planetary Vision and a
So on this, the Anniversary and Birthday of the Satsang, I wish all who read this Blog a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May we all awake each day, more alive and more aware of our common humanity and our responsibility to live in harmony with each other and our Planet.
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