5 Practical Tips for the Spiritual Traveller
‘All persons return to the One Source. Returning to the Source is tranquillity’ Tao poem)
People often ask me, ‘What is Die Quelle? And ‘Why is it so important for your spiritual life as a Satsang Member?
These reflections are an attempt to provide some answers to these two questions. They are based on my personal experience of visiting Die Quelle the Satsang Sadhana Ashram over many years and on my understanding of points made by Sister Ishpriya in her many conferences at Die Quelle. But first of all, for some readers, a simple explanation of some terms.
Satsang The word Satsang is a term used in Eastern Spiritual Traditions. It is derived from two Sanskrit words , Sat meaning Truth ( a term often used for God – Ultimate Reality) and Sangha meaning a meeting or coming together. Thus a Satsang has come to mean a ‘ companionship of seekers after Truth. It is a term used by Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs.
For further details about Satsang and the International Satsang Association (ISA ) click on this link to visit the website. You can also download a leaflet ( in PDF format) by visiting the Resource Page of the local UK Midlands Website . Look under documents and print it out.
Sadhana This is a Sanskrit term meaning Spiritual Practice or Discipline.
Ashram An Ashram is an Eastern term , denoting a place where Spiritual Seekers go to seek the teaching of a wise teacher and to find the time and space to reflect on their Sadhana in the company of other Satsang Members.
It is also a place where the daily rhythm and way of life – Seva, Teaching, chores etc are all designed to provide spiritual food for the journey back to the Source that is Mystery.
Die Quelle (The Source) is a Sadhana Ashram and a Resource Centre for the International Satsang Association. It is also a place that welcomes any Spiritual Traveller. It is place where one can receive teaching and spiritual from Sister Ishpriya, the Spiritual Guide of the ISA .
Further details on Die Quelle (The ISA Sadhana Ashram) and a downloadable Programme of events can be found at http://www.international-satsang.org/
The Spirituality of the Satsang` The central purpose of the ISA and its underlying spirituality is designed to assist spiritual seekers to ‘read the signs of the times’. So how does Die Quelle play its part in this? What can the spiritual Seeker, who visits Die Quelle, take away from his/her time in Satsang? How might others who have, as yet, not visited Die Quelle gain some useful, practical and simple ‘tips’ for their Sadhana?
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Die Quelle- Garden - Outdoor Meditation Area |

Consequently, many spiritual travellers wisely decide to take time out for deeper reflection. They do so in places like Die Quelle. There in the stillness and beautiful surrounding, the reduction of the ‘outside’ noise begins to calm down the inner noise. During these times of increasingly deeper reflection, responses from the real self begin to rise up into our consciousness. However, as I have so often found, and perhaps others do too, we return to our busy lives and these deeper responses seem to drift away just as morning haze is burnt off by the rising sun.
So what could we all take away from our time at Die Quelle that could more easily be incorporated into our everyday lives? What practical tips could help? Here I return to my reflections on several Pravachan (Spiritual Conference Talk) given by Ishpriya on the importance of the Daily Rhythm and Seva at Die Quelle and also to several Pod casts the at are available either ion you Tube or the ISA Website.
Five Simple Tips for the Journey
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Aarti Flame: light in our darkness |
Now, it may not be possible to have an Aarti Ceremony in our life. However, we could pause each morning when we arise and each evening and notice the light growing or fading. This could be a simple ‘practice’ or Sadhana in our busy life. We could use the lighting of a candle if that helps.
Spiritual Tip 1 ‘ Sharing our resources and using them wisely’
I would now like to outline four further tips based on Die Quelle’s daily rhythm.
Food and the Preparation of Meals
We live in a world where in the Third World many suffer from malnutrition while many in the First World struggle with the consequences of over-eating and poor dietary choices. Our modern world encourages consumerism and greed. We are constantly pressurised to indulge or ‘wants’ and not our ‘needs’ One of the more important slogans or mantras that we could encourage in our life is Need not Greed’
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Kitchen SEVA at Die Quelle |
This simple, yet necessary practice is NOT just about meals, it is designed to make us more aware both of our choices and the spiritual value of sharing and using resources sparingly and wisely. Ishpriya remarked once, that this practice of sharing could remind us of a message so many of us have received from our mothers. Mothers often say to their children ‘Be nice and share your toys’. Well, whether its toys, time or the world’s resources, perhaps we could become more aware of our need to share at its importance if we are to live in harmony and compassion with our neighbours and our environment. So I find this part of the Rhythm at Die Quelle a reminder and challenge, not just about food and diet, but also about my use of other resources.
Spiritual Tip 2 ‘ Sharing our resources and using them wisely’
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Water - A Precious & Life Giving Resource |
Consequently, the Rhythm at Die Quelle, of filling the water jugs at mealtimes, washing, cleaning and cooking are a reminder that the water supply is not endless and we need to be mindful of using it wisely. It also reminds me of my need to be grateful for clean water and be compassionately mindful of those who don’t have access to clean water.
Spiritual Tip 3 ‘Each day have an awareness of using water moment’
Disposal of Garbage
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Space - We are using it like a Garbage Can |
This is yet another sign of the duality of our thinking and philosophy. It shows how removed we are from any sense of Oneness or connectedness, not just with each other but also with our environment and the Cosmos.
Die Quelle is in an area that is well aware of the beauty and balance of its Environment. Consequently, part of rhythm and practice at Die Quelle is careful recycling of as much as possible. From paper to plastic, garbage, milk cartons, batteries, glass, wood, metal etc. It was an eye opener for me, coming from the
Spiritual Tip 4 ‘ Regularly recycle old ideas, thoughts, garbage and clutter’
SEVA - Selfless Service to and for Others
I have left SEVA until the last. It is a Sadhana that encompasses all the others. Now SEVA is one of the few Eastern terms which has been retained by the ISA . Sister Ishpriya lays great stress upon this as an essential spiritual practice in the Sadhana Ashram.
It is also a wonderful practice in Sikhism. Their founder Gurudev Nanak placed great emphasis on SEVA. Consequently, wherever you travel in the world an meet Sikhs own practice is that of the you will be impressed by their dedication to SEVA. One of their best known practices is that of the tradition of the Langar. This is attached to all their Temples or Gurdwaras and their everybody, regardless of race, station or faith, are served a free meal. These meals are prepared by Sikhs as part of their SEVA.it is best not to view it merely as a task or chore that is either enjoyable or mundane. Undertaking SEVA is a Sadhana, where one approaches the particular task with joy, mindfulness and a willingness to serve others.
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Cleaning for the joy of cleaning |
Undertaking SEVA is a Sadhana, where one approaches the particular task with joy, mindfulness and a willingness to serve others. In others words, doing things for the joy of doing and its potential for service to others.
Spiritual Tip 5 ‘ Begin to see everyday tasks as an opportunity to both
serve others and to be mindfully present to Reality’
These 5 tips are extremely practical. In themselves, each are quite simple. However, it is the simplest things that so often make the biggest difference. For me, theses simple experiences from the daily rhythm at Die Quelle can prove to be extremely important. They suggest that small and relatively simple changes can make a big difference.
I wish all who read this the very best and a successful and happy Seva.
These 5 tips are extremely practical. In themselves, each are quite simple. However, it is the simplest things that so often make the biggest difference. For me, theses simple experiences from the daily rhythm at Die Quelle can prove to be extremely important. They suggest that small and relatively simple changes can make a big difference.
I wish all who read this the very best and a successful and happy Seva.
Peter Creagh
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