30 November, 2011



This is the first of several parts that will be published on the BLOG over the next few weeks. The complete article will then be uploaded to the RESSOURCES PAGE on the Website.


This is the 3rd in a series of personal reflections that emerged from my time at Die Quelle, the International Satsang Association ( ISA) Sadhana Ashram. It explores some of my responses to a quote from Sister Ishpriya. These reflections focus on some of the roots of the current crisis facing humanity and how both  as a member of the ISA and a Spiritual Traveller,  I could begin to undertake the responsibility of bringing some light into our broken world. For further details on the ISA visit http://www.international-satsang.org/   and for a copy of other reflections visit the Resources Pages of   http://www.satsang-companionship.org.uk  and also its Blog Pages  http://midlands-satsang.blogspot.com/

I recently attended the Board of Trustees meeting at Die Quelle the Sadhana Ashram of the International Satsang Association (ISA) near Dechantskirchen, Austria. There I met with Sister Ishpriya, the spiritual guide of the ISA, and other Board Members for a series of meetings. Whenever, I attend an event at Die Quelle, I look forward to Sister Ishpriya’s morning talks as inevitably they give rise to seriou7s and useful personal reflections. This time was no exception and the following notes are the third in a series written on my return from  the Sadhana Ashram. This one has the title ‘Light in Our Broken World.’ The other two in this series are : ‘Walking in the Mist – The Gift of Not Knowing’   and ‘Tips on the Spiritual Journey’.

Before we commenced our first meeting of the Board, Ishpriya gave us a short reflection. I want to focus on a few points she made and on my responses to these and how these could  influence and effect daily life.


In her opening remarks, Ishpriya reminded us of the main purpose for the existence of the ISA. A paraphrase of her words is ‘the ISA exists to bring a desire and compassion to our broken world. She then spoke a bit more about desire and compassion and focused back on the Satsang and its Members. Satsang Members work to become light in our broken world. We do so through our commitment to the Satsang’s main spirituality, namely our task of reading the signs of the times’ I was struck by the phrase ‘bringing the light of compassion into our broken world’

In so many ways, our world is ‘broken’. It is a world divided between the haves and the have nots. It is a world of stark opposites. It is a world where some people frantically and constantly diet to lose weight, caused mainly by over-eating. Yet, this is also a world where so many suffer from malnutrition and starvation. Our world struggles with many problems, not least those of pollution, disease, war and poverty.

Our way of life, with its tendency towards greed and consumerism  is in danger of estranging us not only from one another but also from our environment. In short we are failing to live in harmony with the planet, each other and even ourselves.

Many believe that both humanity and our planet are at a ‘tipping point’. On one side lies disaster on the other side the possibility of a breakthrough in compassionate consciousness.  We have reached a state of critical balance.  We will either tip over into increased hatred, intolerance and slavery or into love, compassion and freedom.
The choice is ours. However, we need to be mindful of the slogan, so often used by environmental protestors, ‘there is NO PLANet B ‘

There is no Planet B’

I often reflect on the wonder, awe and beauty of the cosmos and the magnificence of our Blue Planet. We are so fortunate to live on a planet that is rich in its diversity of flora, fauna, geography and geology. It sustains and supports a rich variety of life in countless forms. Then we have ourselves – the human family. We have a reflective consciousness that is so complex, so wonderful and so powerful. We are currently at the frontier of our understanding of consciousness. Yet, all of this wonder, complexity and beauty are marred by humanities increasing failure, fuelled mainly by greed and not need, to live in harmony with the planet, our environment and each other.

When faced with this challenge many people either throw their hands up in despair, as if the issues are far to complex to solve, or they seek to apportion blame and avoid any responsibility. Neither of these responses is helpful. Each of us needs to begin to face these issues and to take some responsibility for who we are, where we are and the consequences of our daily choices. Of course, the reasons for our current situation are complex and deep rooted. In the remainder of these reflections, I would like to focus on the following four issues that contribute to our present state.

Ø     Paternalistic Domination

Ø     Religion

Ø     Post Modernity

Ø     Responsibility


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