23 April, 2013

Caught in the Moment of Half Light


All the Spiritual Traditions acknowledge the importance of Light . In many it is seen as a symbol of Mystery. In addition Sunrise and sunset are seen as particularly significant times for spiritual awareness and practice.

The following is a beautiful poem by Sister Ishpriya .


Sunset over the sea
O Lord
I am caught in that moment of half-light, 
the breathless point of balance between sun and moon.  
As I bid farewell to the cold purification of the night, 
in that same movement, 
I fling wide my arms to be embraced by the warmth and glory of the sun,
knowing that in due time I will bow to the receding light
and open my arms to darkness once again.

Thus, O Lord,
You come into our lives, in the blaze of splendour,
the certainty of Your presence,
in the times of aridity and isolation,
even to the point of despair.
Throughout this continuing journeying,
from the zenith of
to the depths of midnight and back to blinding noontide,
we grow towards You, the true light,
that shines like the sun beyond darkness, forever. 

Sister Ishpriya rscj

The poem above has been set to some beautiful music by  John Boswell in the video below , which we hope you will enjoy

A You tube link to this video and others produced by the same person is shown below:

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