31 May, 2011

Compassion:- The Golden Rule

A Universal Heart of Compassion

There is a well known  saying, adapted from the writings of the Latin American Leader Dom Heldar Camara, that is  used by our International Satsang Association ( ISA ) . It goes like this :-

Satsang :-  Seeking Together, Helping to Create, a Planetary Vision and a UNIVERSAL HEART OF COMPASSION

It is these final words ( underlined above )  that will inform the theme of our next Satsang Meeting in the UK Midlands Area. Details  of this meeting are as follows :

Compassion : The Golden Rule

Saturday 11th June 2011:-  1.30  to 4.45 p.m

Friends Meeting House, Wolverhampton
( for directions to the venue, please visit our local website www.satsang-companionship.org.uk   for a map and also further details of our Satsang Companionship, its activities and some downloadable resources)

There is an urgent need for each of us to get in touch with our Heart of Compassion. Our world, its environment, its peoples and its future are facing many critical challenges.  Our generation, and our children and children's children, face seemingly competing choices and these require each of us to show great wisdom and discernment. These choices cannot be answered merely by recourse to our logic. Gifted though we are with our wonderful and amazing brain and its intellectual power and immeasurable and, as yet, unknown possibilities; we are also people of emotions, intuition, imagination and so much more. It is our 'giftedness' which sits in our 'heart of compassion' that can help us find wise solutions to many of our challenges and problems.

Most of our Spiritual Traditions and the mystics and sages of all  cultures, traditions and ages, point to the value of COMPASSION and its connection with the 'Golden Rule' . Compassion is 'reckoned' to lie more with our heart and intuition than merely our intellect.

The great Golden Rule'  is briefly summarised  in  most traditions by these  simple but profound and challenging words:-
'Only do unto others what you would wish to be done to yourself'

Our next Satsang Meetiung on Saturday 11th June will focus on this theme , with video  input from both  Sister Ishpriya the Spiritual Director and Chairperson of the ISA,  and Karen Armstrong, a well known writer and commentator on spirituality and world issues.

ALL ARE WELCOME - so feel free to attend and to bring a friend along


Saturday 9th July :- Satsang Meeting ( same time, same place)

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