08 October, 2013



The Satsang Association Hosts 

A Day of Reflection & Experience

Saturday 9th   November 2013     (10.30 – 4.30)

Summerfield Road, Wolverhampton

Our task as Spiritual Travellers and Seekers is to stay ‘wide awake and open to reading the signs of our times’ As co-creators we have a responsibility for this Sacred Planet.

This day will provide an opportunity to ‘sit by the wayside’ and reflect on this importance of the Environment. It will provide the opportunity for Personal Reflection, times of Silence, Mutual Sharing and Sacred Circle Dance.

MAIN FEATURE –  Two Short Films

A Thousand Suns10,000 of sustainable farming in Africa

The story of the Gamo People from the Great Rift Valley in Etheopia who have managed to live in harmony with the Earth and their Environment for 10,000 years.

EARTH PILGRIM :- A Year on Dartmoor

This is a spiritual journey into the ethereal landscape of Dartmoor with Satish Kumar, the world-renowned ecologist and Founder and Editor of Resurgence Magazine. Satish is well respected and has addressed the UN  on environmental issues

This is an OPEN EVENT and ALL are welcome

To cover the cost of hiring the Hall and drinks we ask all who can afford it  make a suggested donation of £5    ( this is voluntary and all  donations are welcome)


We live on a beautiful but fragile Planet,
which we call home.
It  has been our home for thousands of thousands of years
It is an ancient planet that has existed for Billions of years
And it is set in the vast ocean of our wonderful and seemingly endless Cosmos.

This Earth is Blessed .
It can sustain and nourish us all
But will do so, only if we respect it
As part of the vastness and wonder of Creation

May we become more aware of Earth’s beauty and fragility
May we become more open and aware
Of our responsibility to respect and protect  all of Creation.

May all our senses and heart be open to
The live-giving freshness of ocean and river.
The fragrance and fruits  of the forest  and tree,
The magnificence of mountain and vast plains
And the joy and beauty  of field and flower,

Make us yearn for a world where all may flourish.
Show us how to walk  gently on the earth
And to seek to hold all in trust for future generations.

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