This is a reflection based on the spirituality of the International Satsang Association, further details of the Satsang Association in the UK can be found on the clicking on the link to the UK Local Website.)
New Year Re-Solution :-
Theme - Seeing in Silence
Each year we are urged to make 'new year resolutions' But what is a resolution? Perhaps , as so often is the case, we could benefit from looking at this word and its root. Resolution - really means RE- SOLUTION - Each re-solution is an attempt to resolve our life either by changing direction and/or living life in a different way. This is often more clearly seen when we undergo the loss of a loved one, because when we suffer bereavement there is NO EASY SOLUTION, there is merely a re-solution.
Now Christians are well aware of that puzzling quotation by Jesus, taken from the Gospel of Mark 4 :- "'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!"
These words come near the beginning of Mark's Gospel and suggest that people need to really look and really listen if they are to truly understand.
Those of us who believe that there is an underlying MYSTERY at the heart of Creation are Theists. We believe in a Spiritual Basis for the wonders of this evolutionary journey we, and all the Cosmos, are engaged in. In that sense we are Spiritual Pilgrims. + Dom Helder Camara reflected on this aspect of Pilgrimage in his writings. Being a Christian he refers to 'Christians'. However, these words can readily be applied to all who undertake the Spiritual Journey
Extract from Dom Helder Camara - Essential Writings
' The Christian is the well adjusted follower of Christ: one with Christ and made responsive to him and by him to the whole of human life.
The Christian is the universal brother and sister of all, and loves to give prayer a communal dimension ......... I have tried to express all this in the simple and humble words of the following prayer.
Being Responsive to Life - Seeing in Silence
How poor you will remain until you discover
that you do not see best with open eyes.
How naive you will remain until you discover
that when your lips are closed,
there are silences richer than a torrent of words.
How clumsy you will remain
until you understand
that joined hands
can do far more
than restless hands
which may inflict the unintended wound.
Now these words of Camara's begin to make sense of how we can begin to see things as they really are. If we are to begin to see,hear and understand things then we need to look and listen with a great degree of inner mindfulness. If we can begin to do this, then we will gain greater 'Insight' and thus begin to 're-solve' our life and also relate with greater compassion towards ourselves and others.
So perhaps a good New Year Resolution or Re-Solution would be to open the eyes of our heart and both look and listen with more mindful attention at all aspects of our relating - with self, each other and creation.