‘Our duty as men and women is to proceed as if the limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in Creation’
Teilhard de Chardin (Mystic & Scientist 1881 -1955)
These reflections are based on a series of Pravachans (Conference Talks) given by Sister Ishpriya the spiritual teacher of the International Satsang Association (ISA ). These talks were delivered at a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees at Die Quelle the ISA Sadhana Ashram in Austria . These reflections focus on an urgent crisis facing humanity. This crisis was carefully outlined by Ishpriya in her talks and a brieg opening in troduction now follows:
Our human family has evolved as part of the on-going enfolding of the Cosmos and Creation. Teilhard de Chardin reminds us of our duty and responsibility to play our part in this process. Ishpriya reminded us that we, in the ISA along with many others, had for over 20 years been aware of the growing and impending crisis facing our world and humanity. Many experts, in a wide diversity of disciplines, agree that this crisis is so profound and immediate , that it could mean the end of the Human Era on this our beautiful and wonderful Blue Planet.
Our Cosmos has been evolving for almost 14 Billion years, our Solar System is almost 5 billion years and humanity has become part of this steady evolution in the relatively recent past, that is only in time measured in tens of hundreds of thousands years. During this time, humanity has made several crucial choices on its path to the present day. One such choice was the decision of our ancestors to move from the African Rift Valley towards the Middle East and then to move East and West. This choice resulted in the rich diversity of our human family. But , as the Hindu Vedas reminds us, we are all inter-connected. This is beautifully expressed in these words from the Katha Upanishad
There are not many but only one.
Who seeks variety and not the unity,
Wanders on from death to death.
In her talks Ishpriya focused on the crucial facing us all in these times. Many consider that humanity has taken a ‘wrong turn’ on its evolutionary path. It has branched off from the natural path of evolution and seems headed for a destructive and very negative dead end or cul-de-sac. This could lead to the total destruction of our human family. There are many indicators that highlight this destructive path, but she chose three obvious and stark examples. These are:
· The Crisis of our Environment
· The Crisis of Violence and Destruction.
· The Crisis of our lack of compassion.
For a fuller outline of Ishpriya's Teachings and some personal reflections, please go to the RESOURCES PAGE of this website ( ) where a downloadable pdf file is available. This is titled
ROOTED IN MYSTERY PART ONE click on link below
Note:- Part 2 - Concerning an Alternative path will shortly follow
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