24 October, 2018


CHANGE & the Danger of Old Habits


We live in challenging times, times of great change in the areas of the Environment, Politics, Religion and Social Unrest. We are a species blessed with Reflective Consciousness  but also 'programmed' to focus on the negative and resist change.

 The dangers in both the political and religious areas is this; in times of great change there is a tendency to cling on desperately to the old.  This also leads to  over-romanticism about the past and a tendency to be attracted to leaders ( normally male) who offer simple solutions to complex problems. This is certainly true in both Politics and Religion.

 I fi8nd the following quote  from Neale Donald Walsch, a Christian Writer, taken from his book ' Conversations with God' very helpful.


 This conveys a wise message to all who are dedicated to real change both in our politics and religions.