20 July, 2016

Beware of Possessions


The Mystics of all the world's wisdom traditions have strongly advised us about the dangers of over focusing on possessions.  Modern Neuroscience also advises that simple mindful practises can help to develop and strengthen neural pathways involved with both inhibition and choice.
Practicing 'choice' and resisting our tendency to 'grasp' for possessions and immediate gratification can both assist develop better mental health and ., more importantly, form the basis of a very effective Sadhana or Spiritual Practice. The quote below summarises thje value of practicing non-attachment.

12 July, 2016

Just Being - a formidable challenge


We live in a world that is addicted to performance, achievement and financial success. Most people spend the 1st half of life climbing up the ladder of success only to discover that it is resting against the wrong wall!. The challenge of Just Being and finding our true self in the persistent clamour of money, greed and achievement is not easy.

The following reflection by Sister Ishpriya could provide a useful start to personal reflection on the vital importance of finding the True Self


08 July, 2016

A Disturbing and Subversive Prophet

JESUS - The Disturbing Prophet

We live in a world full of inequality, where half of our human family go to bed hungry each night and most of us who live in the Wealthier  West eat and consume far too much. In many ways this has been the perennial truth for most of the past 8 thousand years. Those who hold power are mostly invested in keeping power and only 'share' whenever it is expedient.

I was reflecting on this  and the consequential slow march of progress for the majority. I came across some notes I made whilst attending an event with Diarmuid O Murchu  late last year. He had mentioned a South African Theologian , Albert Nolan OP , a Dominican Priest . Nolan , has written many books about Jesus and has focused on the similarities between 1st Century Palestine and late 20th Century South Africa.  He sets Jesus in a context before Christianity  and calls Jesus ' The Subversive Prophet ' As a Christian , I found the following quote from Nolan very powerful and compelling.  

The Disturbing & Subversive Prophet 

' It would have been impossible for the people of Jesus' time to have thought of him as an eminently religious man who steered clear of political action. They would have seen him as a blasphemously irreligious man who, under the cloak of religion, was undermining all the values upon which religion, politics , economics and society were based.   He was a dangerous and subtly subversive revolutionary'  Albert Nolan OP

 It seems  ironic and , to me, sad that the followers of Jesus could so readily become part of the Establishment and fail to both remember and live out his teachings on Social Justice, particularly for the poor, the stranger and the marginalised.

Seeking Together - Helping to Create - A Planetary Vision and a Universal Heart of Compassion

04 July, 2016

Transformational Love


We live on a Small Blue Planet and we are all members of one human family. The Hindu Scriptures remind us that there is ' unity in diversity'. We are born from LOVE - the Mystery at the Heart of Creation - and we will all return to this LOVE.

The word 'love' is too easily used and therefore we often fail to grasp its true meaning and true nature. 'Loving ' ice cream'  or a car, is not the same as love of neighbour or self!

The following is a lovely quote about the essential  nature  and source of LOVE

The Joy of Mindful Awareness


 The following Quote is this week's offering from the Teaching of Sister Ishpriya. It is a thoughtful message on the importance of Mindful Awareness

01 July, 2016

Transforming Love


We tend to live in a society focused mainly on the negative. Neuroscience tells us that this is largely due to the evolution of the brain and its 'attraction' to the negative and towards fear and anxiety. Ancient spiritual wisdom also warns us of this negative tendency which can be the cause of so much self-induced suffering.

Many of the religions, particularly at their Fundamental level seem to focus on a very negative image of God/Spirit/Source and punishment for 'sin' . In this way they promote a very negative and shameful vision of humanity. This for me is the real meaning of 'hell on earth' . Spirituality and the Mystics suggest a more positive, life-enhancing vision of the human condition and humanities transformative and loving relationship with self and the Source of all life. This can help us to find 'heaven' here on earth!

I find the following quote from Richard Rohr , a Franciscan Teacher  both comforting and self-affirming