29 June, 2016


Fear & Prejudice - A Toxic Cocktail

The Challenges of a 
' Me Centred' World

Recent events and history reveal a growing challenge for our human family. Our societies are in danger of fragmenting and splitting into egocentric and small minded factions. Events in the UK , have revealed an growing and underlying tendency towards prejudice and racism. This is not new, I have personally both experienced it and been aware of it for over 50 years.  It is important that we all face this challenge with courage and do our best to counteract the growth of intolerance  and prejudice.

All prejudice is based on, and rooted in,  fear and ignorance. This mainly shows itself as fear of difference. Any difference in race, culture, ethnicity, education etc  can be easily perceived as a threat . We can all find it much easier and more comfortable to gather together  with our 'own kind' . This tendency  can then be expressed in potentially dangerous forms of nationalism or the many other 'isms'  that divide people from each other. These 'isms' are then often  wrapped up in divisive flags and banners and waved in a threatening manner at others who are different. It is also unfortunate that many who seek power and position can too readily use this human tendency towards 'isms' for their own ends.

Some recent events in the UK show the underlying ignorance that feeds this prejudice and fear. It seems that many people fail to realise that  humanity shares  a common 'home'.  As a species we all walked out of Africa. ( for those who doubt this , check it out on Google ! ) As we developed and evolved we became a wonderfully diverse and rich species  in areas of  race, ethnicity , culture and religions. We are all passengers  and crew members on a small 'ship' we call Earth. It is floating in the vast seas of an expanding Cosmos. Our 'ship' which we also refer to as ' Mother Earth' faces many challenges and urgently needs us all to work together . We are made primarily  for cooperation and not for competition.  The latter can lead us towards selfishness, greed and fear of strangers and difference.

 It is important to realise that we struggle with a brain , whose most  primitive and earliest part is wired for anxiety and fear and thus needs to be regulated and controlled by reason and compassion. The latter are the parts of our brain that evolved more recently and  give us a great ability to empathise with and develop compassion for others.

A combination of fear and prejudice can be toxic and  requires that we all act to counteract and dilute it.  Our task as compassionate and loving people is to strive to remain calm but also vigilant. To be willing to stand up and speak out against any tendency  towards intolerance , ignorance and prejudice.   For me the following is a useful and daily reminder of our primary task as compassionate beings :

Seeking Together - Helping to Create - A Planetary Vision and a Universal Heart of Compassion

25 June, 2016

Compassionate Love


Part of what it is to be human in our ability and natural drive for connection with each other and our environment. For those of us who 'believe' that there is a Source to creation , we also recognise our need and attraction towards connecting with that Source and with each other.

It seems apparent that many in our modern 'me centered' world seem to have lost touch with that sense of oneness and connection. This leads to separation and ultimately to fear, greed and  ( very often) inhumanity.

The following quote was part of our recent ( Satsang) Day of Reflection on Compassion & Love.

20 June, 2016

Reflecting on Joy

Spiritual Reflections for the Traveller

We live in a world that is full of wonder . It is also beset by many problems and many of these are caused by , what the Buddha called the 2nd Dart of Suffering. We humans have a tendency to over focus on the negative. This is particularly true in Western Cultures.  Both modern neuoroscience and the wisdom of the Spiritual Traditions remind us of  

the importance of JOY

Two Important Attitudes for a Happy Life


13 June, 2016

Silence & Sound

The following is a reflection on the value of the gift of Silence. This is something that many in our modern world actively avoid and  thus can lose out on a great gift.

Short Video Reflection

A short video clip can be seen by clicking  the link to the following You Tube Video

Ishpria on Sound & Silence

07 June, 2016

Wise Choices

Wisdom in our Choices

Life often faces us with choices and so often we can fail to pause, reflect and choose wisely.

In addition, the Spiritual Traveller is wise to root themselves deeply in a contemplative relationship with the Mystery or Source of life.

The following two reflections  are taken from a conference by Sister Ishpriya and focus Wise Choices 

The Practice of the Present Moment

 2 : Living Wisely 

This focuses on the wisdom of Staying Awake and Watchful ! and also on not confusing the 'path' with the Journey.


03 June, 2016

Native American Prayer

The Wisdom of Native American Spirituality

There is a lot of deep wisdom in the spirituality of the Aboriginals Peoples of our world. They still retain and contain a deep respect and understanding of the Natural World - the environment , which is our 1st Book of Revelation

The following pictures contain a lovely Native American Prayer and are part of our Satsang Reflections on the Spiritualities of the World 


In Memory of Patty B - A loyal Satsang Member

In Memory of  Patricia Bowsher

Spiritual Seeker and Loyal Satsang  Member

It is with deep sadness we announce the death of   Paticia Bowsher , fondly known as Patty B, our dearly loved Satsang Member.

Patty  has been a loyal Satsang Member for over 20 years. She regularly attended our local Satsang Meetings  and has contributed very much to the Satsang Companionship, particularly here in the UK..

She attended many of our Annual Satsang Retreats in the UK with Sister Ishpriya and always expressed her appreciation for both the Spiritual Teaching and the sharing in Satsang and the support of the Companionship.

She will be greatly missed , not only by her family but also by many others in the Satsang Companionship. We will dedicate our next Day of Reflection , on Saturday 18th June, in memory of Patty B. Its theme, Compassion and Love ideally reflects the end of Patty's journey in this life. She has  left her body and now is on the great journey with the Source of all Compassion and Love.