26 April, 2016


The Satsang Association

SATSANG - Seeking Together - Helping to Create -
                          A Planetary Vision and a Universal Heart of Compassion

Notice of May/June Meetings

We live in times of rapid changes and our World faces so many challenges.
Our Planet is a very small 'boat' floating in the Ocean of the Vast Cosmos.
We will end this year of Meetings with a day of Reflection on Love & Compassion.

Our Human Family  urgently needs to recognise our shared underlying Unity in Diversity.  Our next two meetings will focus on this Truth.
1.      Saturday 14th May           1.30 - 4. 30 p.m  

WHO AM I  ?    Some Video  Reflections  by Sister Ishpriya 

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your innermost self       St Paul

The one who knows both Knowledge and    Action,
    with Action overcomes death
   and with    Knowledge reaches immortality
 Bhagavad Gita

2.   Saturday  18th  June  2015 :-     10.30 - 4.30

Day Of Reflection :-  Love & Compassion - Twin Virtues

Friends Meeting House, Summerfield Road   Wolverhampton

09 April, 2016

The Seeds of Compassion

Planting the Seeds of  Universal Compassion

The 'Seeds' of Universal Compassion are  rooted in the twin virtues of LOVE and Self- Compassion.  Without these  it is impossible to begin the vital task of developing, enriching and planting  Compassion in all our hearts

The following quote from Albert Einstein encapsulates the spirit of the Satsang.

It is part of a series of short reflection designed to assist us in our preparation  for our Day of Reflection  on Sat June 19th 

Very often our world views compassion and a 'soft' option. However, it requires both courage and humility to both develop self-compassion and to reach out with a compassionate  heart to others.

02 April, 2016

Satsang Meetings- May/June 2016

Our final two meetings before a Summer Break ARE :
Sat 14th May 1.30 – 4.30    Theme to be advised 
( around Love- Mercy and Compassion)
Sat 18th June    ( Note NEW date)  
Compassion  - Living in the Spirit of Buddha, Jesus and St Francis
10.30 – 4.30  DAY OF REFLECTION    
Friends Meeting House- Wolverhampton
A flier for this event will follow ion the next few weeks
Peace & Joy
Angela & Peter

Reflecting on the Cosmos

As Co-Creators in the Unfolding Cosmos

The following are some wise words from Thomas Keating, they emphasise our responsiblility to play an ethical and constructive part in the unfolding evolution of both the Cosmos and Consciousness

 This sense of personal responsibility can be found in all cultures and all spiritual traditions.  The quote from the Native American Tradition is one of many examples

We are living in an era of great change, our world is 'shrinking' and we can no longer remain 'blind' to the challenges facing both our Planet and Humanity. 

This short reflection ends with a quote from a Christian Mystic of the early part of the 20th Century.  We could benefit from reflecting deeply on its message