11 January, 2016

Non-Violence and Compassion


Arguably, poorly interpreted and dogmatic religion, have played a great part in feeding the fire of violence that plagues humanity. Yet, not enough focus has been placed on teachings concerning Non-Violence and Compassion that underpin all the great Faith Traditions.

On Saturday 16th January - The Midlands & North UK will hold a Day of Reflection on Non-Violence. This will take place at the 
Friends Meeting House in Wolverhampton ( 10.30 - 4.30)

The following   excerpt from the Charter of Compassion outlines the need for all Religions to emphasise  the virtue of compassion, a virtue which is essential for any practise of Non-Violence.

We... call upon all men and women to restore compassion 
to the centre of morality and religion ~ 

to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of 
scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain 
is illegitimate ~ 

to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful 
 information about other traditions, religions and cultures ~ 

to encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and 
religious diversity ~ 

to cultivate an informed empathy with the suffering of 
all human beings—even those regarded as enemies.

All are welcome to our Day of Reflection on AHIMSA - Non-Violence