31 December, 2010

UNIVERSAL WISDOM :- No 1 : for 2011

    Sat 8th January 2011
Friends Meeting House - Wolverhampton
1.30 - 4.30 p.m.

The following 'quotes' from the Wisdom Traditions are a continuation of our regular series on Universal Wisdom. They are offered at this time of New Year and will hopefully provide some useful reflections.

New Year is often a time when people make resolutions and research shows that the majority of these are never kept. Perhaps what is needed is NOT RESOLUTIONS but the wisdom to make BETTER CHOICES. Therefore our Wisdom Traditions have so much to offer us as we attempt to make life-giving choices.

The following quotes are based on solid, long-standing virtues of love, hope, faith and charity

'A new commandment I give you : Love one another. As I have loved you , so you must love one another. All will know that you are my disciples if you love one another '

St John's Gospel Chap 13 verses 34-35

'' He never dies nor is He mourned. He is always giving. There is no end to His favour. His only quality that there is none  like Him, neither was there ever nor would there ever be. '
From a poem by  Guru Nanak ( first Sikh Guru )

' True love accepts with perfect resignation, yes, even with joy, whatever comes to it from the hand of the Beloved, for  ' perfect love casts out fear . '
St John of the Cross ( Christian Mystic )

‘In this world I feel joyful because He is the Source of Joy. I am in love with all creation because He is the Creator
SADI ( Sufi Master 13th century – Islam)

The great compassionate heart ,Is the essence of Buddhahood

( Buddhism Gandavyuha Sutra)

Charity- to be moved at the sight of
The thirsty, the hungry and the miserable
And to offer relief to them out of pity –
Is the spring of virtue

To praise man is to praise
The One who made him,
And man’ earthly possessions
Add to God’s mighty praise.

All metre and mystery
Touch on the Lord at last,
The tide thunders ashore
In praise of the High King
 (Celtic 12th Century Prayer)

20 December, 2010

Reflections from Sister Ishpriya

A Series of Reflections to mark the Season of Christmas

As we reach the end of 2010 and enter this time of Christian Festival, it is an excellent opportunity to reflect of our Spiritual Journey . To aid this reflection, the following series of short 'quotes' from Conference Talks ( Pravachans) by Sister Ishpriya , are offered

Some Quotes From Sister Ishpriya

‘I have a Source, the origin of my existence. My relationship with that Source underpins all others’

‘We are more than head and heart and that ‘more’ is the spirit’

‘Wisdom is beyond head, beyond heart. The inner silence and stillness is Wisdom’

‘ Stop searching for what is not here and then you will be able to see what is here’

‘ Nothing to date has been lost. No genuine encounter with the Mystery is lost. That Mystery IS the ground of my being. Let this truth sink down slowly. We can read books etc but it takes time to experience it ( The Mystery)’

‘ The ‘knowing’ that is mentioned in the Chandoga Upanishad ( Hindu Scripture) is not intellectual knowledge – this knowing is intimacy’

‘ Seva ( selfless work ) is spiritual practice. Stop seeing work and sitting on a meditation cushion differently. All is spiritual practice’

10 December, 2010



For many of us Christmas is a time when the pressures of Commercialism seem to come to the fore . We are surrounded  and bombarded by advertisements, over-indulgence and  seemingly frenetic attempts to be merry and enjoy the moment. In all this, the real meaning and purpose of Christmas can be forgotten.

A Modern Nativity Scene

Last year Angela and I received a card from Ishpriya with the following picture on it.  This is a powerful and ever present  reminder us of some of the deeper issues and meanings for this particular time of Christmas and  for all times.

It depicts the traditional Nativity Scene in modern terms and shows a family of 'Illegal Migrants' in bombed out  ruins. Note too the 3 Wise Visitors and their gifts.

This remarkably different depiction is a timely reminder with the truth of both the past and present. The Christian Story reminds us that Mary, Joseph and Jesus were Migrants who had to flee oppression and go to Egypt.

In our Modern World, this is an all to familiar theme, where so many of our human family are isolated, ignored, oppressed and fleeing persecution .

The Festival Of Christmas is rooted in the Christian Tradition but has now become a time of celebration for most people. This is true for all regardless of their belief, unbelief or Faith Tradition. Perhaps, during this time of celebration and festivity,  we could all take some time to reflect on the meaning and  purpose  of our lives and in what way we could become more empathic and welcoming to the stranger, the unloved, the unfortunate and those who are marginalised in our society.


Dear All,  Just a last minute change to our Programme.
Tomorrow ( Saturday 11th DEcember ) we will listen to the 1st Talk from Ishpriya's Retreat at Duai Abbey in  the UK.
This has the title WHY AM I HERE?  . This is an ESSENTIAL Question that really is the foundation of the other Themes.
 Then in  January we WILL listen to the 2nd THEME - READING THE SIGNS OF  THE TIMES.
Further details on tomorrow's meeting  will be posted soon  on this  BLOG  

02 December, 2010


see our Area Website   http://www.satsang-companionship.org.uk/  for details of the Midlands & North Satsang and downloads of documents and links to other sites


You may wish to print this out as it contains details concerning Ishpriya's visit to the UK in March 2011 and an EARLY NOTICE of her planned visit to us in March 2012

 Because of the short notice we ( here in the Midlands North)  were unable to host a Retreat in 2011 with Ishpriya. The Southern Group took it on and managed a very short notice to find a venue in Roehampton  but places were limited and that event is NOW FULLY BOOKED.  

However, Ishpiya in visiting Bristol in Early March 2001 before travelling on  to Ireland  ( Galway and Sligo) . Details of this event are to be found below :-

But first, there are several possibilities open to you ( contact Emmaus House for details of additional costs for possibility 1)

1. Combine the Thursday evening Talk ( A)  from Ishpriya with the 2-day Retreat Fri-Sun

2.    Merely book the 2-day event.  ( B)

Details now follow

Emmaus House retreat and Conference Centre
Clifton Hill, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1BN

(A)          Thursday 10 March 2011
                7.30-9.00 pm
              An evening with Sr. Ishpriya
We are very fortunate in having Sr. Ishpriya for our fascinating workshop this weekend and delighted that she has agreed to share an evening exploring some of the key concerns in spirituality for today.       Cost: Contributions welcome

(B)    Are we Ready for another Quantum Leap?
         Spiritual Maturity in a Global Era
          11-13 March 2011
         Led by Sister Ishpriya, RSCJ

Following a stimulating workshop with Sister Ishpriya last year, we are delighted she is returning to enable us to take another quantum leap. Spiritual maturity lies in facing up to present day challenges in an emerging universe. In a global era a heart of compassion is called for if we have the courage to continue this search. This workshop, through input and meditation, as well as video clips and other resources, will allow us to ponder the unfolding Mystery of God while at the same time stay grounded in the reality of our lives.
Start: 6.30 pm (with supper) on Friday
Finish: After lunch on Sunday
Cost: £165 residential/£120 non-residential

Booking: Email:  emmaus@emmaushouse.org.uk  or call 0117 907 9950


We are delighted to confirm that Sister Ishpriya has accepted our invitation to meet in Satsang with her for  a short 3-day Retreat. This will take place in North Wales from :-
Thursday 22nd March to Sunday 25th March 2012. Further details will be provided in Autumn 2011.