25 September, 2010

Unity in Diversity

NOTE: - Next Meeting Sat 9th Oct in Wolverhampton


Our world lurches from crisis to crisis and many of these are caused by our difficulty with difference and variety. Our Satsang Companionship exists to encourage and empower us to reflect on the urgent need for all of us to recognise our common humanity and to reach out with compassion and respect towards others.

The following short video clip contains some comments from Ishpriya on this theme and particularly on its importance for Satsang Members. She touches on the wisdom of the ancient Upanishads of Hinduism and particularly the Katha Upanishad. This was recorded some time ago but its message is very current, in fact it is part of the perennial wisdom of the ages.

Further clips of Ishpriya can be found on the ISA Website http://www.international-satsang.org/.
But to view this clip on Unity in Diversity click on arrrow, next to the speaker symbol, on  the icon below

16 September, 2010

Reflections from Universal Wisdom


 A series of reflections from the different Faith Traditions. These show both the richness in diversity and the Unity in the Spirit, which the human family shares and can give us insight into the meaning and the message of God.

This week’s theme is one that is vital for our spiritual welfare. It is:

 Breaking Down Barriers

We indeed created man, and We know that his soul whispers within him, and We are nearer to him than the jugular vein
The Qur’an (Muslim Scripture)

Beloved is a man, for he was created in the image of God. But it was by a special love that it was made known to him that he was created in the image of God
Judaism ( Abot )

Let none deceive another nor despise any person whatever in any place. In anger or ill-will let him/her not wish any harm to another.
Metta Sutra (Buddhism)

Let the whole universe be blessed. Let al beings be engaged in one another’s well – being. Let all weaknesses, sickness and faults be diminished and vanish. Let everyone, everywhere, be blissful and at peace.
Jain Scripture

It is quite clear that wherever our Lord is, peace reigns and anger has no place. I could see no sort of anger in God, however long I looked. Indeed, if God were to be angry for just a moment we could not live, endure, or be! ………. And though we wretches know from our own experience the meaning of discord and tension, we are still surrounded in every conceivable way by God’s gentleness and humility, his kindness and graciousness.
Julian of Norwich (Christian Mystic)

The man who has good will for all, who is friendly and has compassion ; who has no thoughts of ‘I’ or ‘mine’, whose peace is the same in pleasures and sorrows, and who is forgiving ;
 He whose peace is not shaken by others, and before whom other people find peace, beyond excitement and anger and fear – he is dear to Me.
Bhagavad Gita ( & 15) Hindu Scripture

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.
Christianity (1 Cor -17)

11 September, 2010

The Wolf will eat with the Lamb

Seeking a World of Tolerance and Mutual Respect

Welcome to this, the first of hopefully many, video clips on our new Satsang Blog. We live in a world where peaceful co -existence and mutual respect  is far too  rare. We seemingly focus too much on difference and division rather on the underlying unity in the richness of our diversity.

This vidoe clip is short talk from Ishpriya based on the well known story from the Jewish Scripture. It highlights the internal longing for peace.

Given the state of our world today, and particularly the tension between many in the West and Islam, a tension based on ignorance and prejudice, it is even more important that people of good will stand up and be counted.

As  Members of Satsang we need to act out of our inner selves and continue to play our part in :
Creating a Planetary Vision and a Universal Heart of Compassion 

Further vidoeo clips from Ishpriya can be found on YOU TUBE and http://www.internanational-satsang.org/

To view this video clip, click on the You Tube link below

09 September, 2010

UNDERSTANDING OUR NEIGHBOURS :- The Need for Respect and Compassion


' His breath is the wind that blows
and the whole Universe is his heart'
Mundaka Upanishad 2/114

Today is Thursday 9th September and on Saturday the 1th a Pastor in the USA is threatening  to burn copies of the Quran , Islam's Holy Book.  He apparently attempts to justify this action with the misguided idea that somehow it is both a 'payback' for the violence of the bombing of the Twin Towers and also because  of his mistaken belief, founded on ignorance, that Islam is somehow wrong.

He seemingly  fails to understand or realise the richness of Islam and the gifts that Islamic Art and Science have given to the World. He also mistakenly assumes that because the people who committed the violent attack on 9/11 professed to be Muskims, that means that all 1 billion Muslims are to blame and that their religion is wrong. He also seems ignorant of facts that 80 years ago in Nazi Germany, a supposedly Christian Country, the pograms against the Jews started with the burning of books.

This  type of action is an extreme position that defies logic, emotions, intuition or any human understanding . It is a purely negative, ignorant and prejudiced response. that seeks to apportion 'blame' and to do so on those who are not responsible.  Evil and Violence cannot be opposed by evil and violence. History shows that any attempt to do so, merely adds fuel to the flames of intolerance.

This whole story of a small fundamental Faith Group in the USA  is a great example of the dangers of adopting a blinkered approach to life and our world. It is fuelled by ignorance and breeds prejudice. These two negative aspects narrow our vision of the world and dampen down any charity or compassion we may possess. It is based on a   failure  to understand how we are all inter-connected, with each member of our human family, with our Planet and the Cosmos.

Our Satsang Commmitment challenges each of us to oppose prejudice and ignorance but to do so with compassion and peace in our hearts. The very wory Islam comes from a root meaning PEACE. Our Satsang was founded and continues to be guided by Sister Ishpriya , or to give her the Indian title , Ishpriya Mataji.

The article ( linked to this post and whose title leads this Blog,) was written some time ago by Ishpriya, mainly for members of her own Christian Community. It records some reflections on her living as a Christian Sannyasi amongst people of a different Faith Tradition. This is an example of how when we live and work with peoples of diversity,  somehow the barriers that ignorance and prejudice erect between peoples dissolve and melt away. Our world desperately needs people who  will  face the challenge of difference, see the richness of diversity and be prepared to ' live in another temple' .

As Satsang Members we are all called to be and act in ways that  '''

'Create a Planetary Vision and a Universal Heart of Compassion'

To View the article, written by Ishpria Mataji rscj, click on the link below.


05 September, 2010

MEETING 4th September - Report

SHARING THE JOURNEY : in Satsang Companionship

Wolverhampton Sat 9th October 1.30 -4.30 p.m


Some reflections of our meeting on Sat 4th September

'Seeking Together - Helping to Create - A Planetary Vision -  A Universal Heart of Compassion'

It is Sunday 5th September as I sit composing these short notes about our Satsang Meeting held yesterday at the home of Angela and Peter 

Angela- Monica and  Pam 
The Meeting was both a social occasion and an opportunity for  our Satsang Companionship, to review our new Website  http://www.satsang-companionship.org.uk/ , reflect on past meetings and to look forward to the future.

Unfortunately several Members send their apologies and at the last minute , because of sudden family commitments, both Shirley Cooke and Yasmin Malik could not attend. So we particularly think of Shirley and Yasmin and hope that all goes well with them.

So six of us gathered. So Patty Bowsher, Monica Evans, Taj Kaur, Pam Pritchard, Angela Creagh and myself (Peter Creagh).

Sharing a meal
We started with a splendid buffet , which Angela had lovingly prepared, and began our sharing  over our meal. Sharing over a meal is special. In every culture and throughout history, people have always gathered around a meal to share, reflect and enjoy the food and the company. This was no exception. To share a meal is to share something of oneself as well as food.

So we partook of a very leisurely meal and began to share about our lives, our journey and the importance of Satsang.

Throughout the afternoon we shared about our lives, family and our experience of Satsang. We looked at our past experiences of our Satsang Companionship, how this provided mutual support and challenge and how we could move forward in the future.
After the meal we began to address these areas in more detail. We started by looking at our new local Website ( http://www.satsang-companionship.org.uk/ ) and particularly looked at the Satsang News pages. These feed directly from our Satsang Blog and over time it is hoped that this area of the Web will grow as Members begin to contribute, share and comment on articles.

Patty , Taj and Angela
We then began to deepen our sharing, looking at ways of developing and improving our companionship.

Angela spoke about the values and principles of the International Satsang Association (ISA) and how these challenged us. It was more important to attempt to live out these values than to numerically increase Satsang Membership.She mentioned the myriad similar groups around the world who shared common values and principles. One reference to these was Paul Hawken’s book Blessed Unrest. We in Satsang were not alone .

Monica, who is our reprentative on Wolverhampton Inter-Faith, spoke on the values  of Satsang and its ability to cross over the boundaries between Faith Traditions and how she would like to broaden and deepen our links with Inter-Faith Groups. She also mentioened , in the light of her background with German and British parents, how as we get to know others and share with them, then we are less likely to war with them.

Taj spoke about how Satsang had helped her to reach a deeper appreciation and understanding of her Sikh Faith and her long association with Satsang, its support and companionship had really helped her.

Pam, spoke about Satsang's breath and its ability to cross the boundaries of religion. As a committed Christian it had helped her to appreciate the  place and value of the other Faith Traditions.

Patty B stressed the value of Satsang as a 'haven' where  one could express ideas and views in a supportive and non-critical group.

We all agreed in the importance of our Satsang Companionship and how our meetings were open to all. All were welcomed and respected. As Satsang Members , we were minful of our Triple Commitment ( see Resources Page for a downloadable pdf file) and the part we all attempted to play in

'Creating a Planetary Vision and a Universal Heart of Compassion'

04 September, 2010



Welcome to our sopecial meeting where we review our local Satsang , socialise and look forward to our continuing companionship.

A short report on its outcomes will be published in the next few days